Add this Satis repository to your composer.json:
"repositories": [{
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
Photo album package for Cmeleon 4.0
Attribute Package for use with Ecommerce module. Attributes are product properties
Cmeleon 4.0 core functionality
Baum is an implementation of the Nested Set pattern for Eloquent models.
Standalone beeldbank applicatie. Oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld voor Dr. Oetker, maar eenvoudig als standalone applicatie te gebruiken
Slider Package for Cmeleon 4.0
Cart voor gebruik in de Ecommerce module
Cmeleon 4.0
Base eCommerce package
Filemanager for Cmeleon4.0
Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel 4 integration
Easy localization for Laravel 4
Package for writing and displaying news items in Cmeleon4.0
The Post package provides Text and Image blocks for Cmeleon4.0
Keep a revision history for your models without thinking, created as a package for use with Laravel 4
Package for translating Page slug and Menu titles
Provides an easy way to include Universal Analytics code with your Laravel 4 application
Package for managing and displaying vacancies.
Provides Youtube / Vimeo Video block for Cmeleon4.0
A better asset management package for Laravel.
A bridge between laravel 4 and the Buckaroo Payment engine.
This Composer repository is powered by Satis 1.0.0-dev